Explain how your project will scale so that your donor understands your worth

Explain scale so that your donor will understand the worth of your project

You are engaged in nonprofit work because you are entrepreneurial and creative in how you address an important societal challenge. You want to do good in the world and the work you do provides leadership in your sector. This is what scale is - explaining to that donor that if they fund you it is not so innovative that it is replicable at an even grander scale.

I am offering you this information today because I just published my live training about how to define success on my podcast in season five.  

Plug and play template:

Our work is getting traction at the statewide, regional and national level, in the following ways: _____________[list them]

In your description of scale, include these three key points:

  • Explain how your project is innovative, or a new way to solve a major problem

  • Explain how you are offering an interesting solution to the problem

  • Highlight any awards if your program has received recognition or an award for innovation

Avoid this mistake

Don’t make the mistake of thinking that your program is not unique. If you think about your work hard enough you will most likely be able to offer your donor information about how your work stands out as different and inspiring. This new way of approaching a problem means it is then replicable by other nonprofits that also want to take action in a more effective and efficient manner - this is how you can explain that your work is scaleable.  


Describe how you collaborate with other nonprofits


Explain leverage in your pitch